
Dorchester County Receives Over $1 Million from U.S. Department of Commerce

St. George, South Carolina

March 9, 2011 – On February 25, 2011, the
Department of Commerce announced a $1.38 million U.S. Economic Development
Administration (EDA) grant to Dorchester County to build a water reclamation
facility that will support the expansion of the Robert Bosch automotive plant to
produce next generation automotive parts, including diesel and gasoline fuel
injectors, antilock brake parts, and electronic stability control systems. Bolstering the region’s automotive industry
cluster, this project is expected to generate over 300 new jobs, and will bring
an investment of $125 million to the County.

"One of Dorchester County’s many
objectives is to endorse energy efficient projects that will provide long-term
benefits to sustain the County while expanding investment potential," said
Dorchester County Council Chairman Larry Hargett. "The Bosch Reclaim Water Project was a
win-win situation from an environmental, social, and economic standpoint. Through these leveraged funds, the County was
able to maximize the use of public dollars with private dollars."

"This project is a prime example
of the County’s resourcefulness to achieve economic growth, and at the same
time, improve quality of life concerns for Dorchester County’s citizens," said Vice
Chairman George Bailey of Dorchester County Council. "The County would like to thank both Congressman
James Clyburn and Senator Lindsey Graham for their support of infrastructure
development within Dorchester County, enabling the community to celebrate such
a success as this."

The project will provide a network
of infrastructure needed to convert the existing Lower Dorchester Wastewater
Treatment Plant into a water reclamation facility. Expected to save 80,000 gallons of water per
day, this "green" project will reduce the consumption of energy, the pollution
to water, and the use of hazardous chemicals. The new facility will provide an environmentally sustainable source of
reclaimed water, and an estimated 40-45 percent cost reduction on water

As an environmentally friendly
project, this grant marks Dorchester County’s first initiative to direct
wastewater within the County, and is the second EDA grant that the County has
received during a three-year period. In
2008, Dorchester County was awarded an EDA grant for $2.5 million to assist in
the location of ArborGen’s global headquarters, which is now nearing

About the U.S. Economic Development Administration

mission of the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) is to lead the
federal economic development agenda by promoting competitiveness, and preparing
the nation’s regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy. An agency within the U.S. Department of
Commerce, EDA makes investments in economically distressed communities in order
to create jobs for U.S. workers, promote American innovation, and accelerate
long-term sustainable economic growth. 
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