
Dorchester County Economic Development Honored in Regional Awards Competition

Summerville, South Carolina

September 6, 2011 – Dorchester
County Economic Development was recently honored for two entries submitted in
the Southern Economic Development Council’s (SEDC) 2011 Communication Awards competition. The winners were officially announced and
posted for display during the organization’s annual conference held August 14-17,
2011, in Asheville, North Carolina. 

to recognize excellence in southern economic development agencies, SEDC presents
an awards competition each year honoring those organizations with the best programs
and marketing materials, including such categories as advertisements, brochures,
reports, special events, branding packages, and web sites. To be considered for the 2011 competition,
qualifying entries included only those projects developed between June 2010 and
June 2011.

an overwhelming 120 submissions to be judged, Dorchester County submitted entries
for the Magazines and Special Events categories. Featured in the Summer 2011 issue of SCBiz magazine, the first entry was
submitted for an editorial highlighting Dorchester County’s unique economic
development story through the effective use of creative writing and
eye-catching design. The second entry
showcased the 2011 Industry Tour of the Robert Bosch and Coastal Corrugated
manufacturing plants to update local and state officials on the health of the
County’s existing industries. 

winning entries were classified by small, medium, and large divisions, and were
awarded either Best of Class, Superior, Excellent, or Merit. As a first-time winner of the prestigious
SEDC Communication Awards, and one of 50% to gain recognition, Dorchester
County received the Award of Merit in the medium division for both entries.

honored to receive these awards, and to know that our Economic Development
efforts have been acknowledged by the SEDC," said Larry Hargett, Dorchester
County Council Chairman. "This
recognition is further proof that Dorchester County is bringing innovation and
creativity to the table to effectively market the region for new business."

"This year’s
annual Communications Awards competition was another exciting one, as the
economic development organizations in our region continue to improve their
communication methods to reach new business decision makers," said SEDC
President Gene Stinson. "The entries submitted by Dorchester County
Economic Development were recognized by the judges as quality entries to garner
their awards."

the oldest and largest regional economic development association in North
America, SEDC boasts numerous members in 17 states from across the Southeast,
including Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Maryland and the District of Columbia, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina,
Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.

selected to represent communications materials, advertising, and marketing
initiatives that stand out across our industry is a real honor, and is a motivator
to strive for continued excellence," said George Tupper, Chairman of the
Dorchester County Economic Development Board.

About Southern Economic Development Council

The Southern Economic Development Council (SEDC) is
comprised of over 850 members representing a broad spectrum of active and
influential economic developers from business and industry; utilities;
transportation; financial and education institutions; chambers of commerce; and
local, regional, and state development agencies. The SEDC region consists of members that
support a common interest to promote and enhance the economic development
profession. For more information about
SEDC, please visit