
2015 Regional Economic Scorecard

Source: Charleston Regional Development Alliance

2015 Regional Economic Scorecard

The 2015 Regional Economic Scorecard is the sixth annual assessment of the three-county Charleston region’s economic progress compared to eight similar metro areas.

It provides our region’s business, governmental, community and academic leaders with unbiased data to help focus a collective effort to address our weaknesses and maintain positive momentum.

This year, new metros have been added into the mix. As Charleston’s regional economy has changed, so has the competition. The data illustrates Charleston is moving in the right direction in many areas but not all. More must be done to address our growth challenges including: housing affordability, transportation infrastructure, mass transit, human capital, and innovative activity, if we are to build and sustain a globally competitive economy for the Charleston region.

As you read the 2015 Regional Economic Scorecard, consider the impact our community’s challenges have on our ability to produce, attract, and retain a skilled workforce, and what actions you can take to help ensure this region thrives now and into the future.

Click here to read full article and see the scorecard results:


Director of Dorchester County Economic Development, John Truluck: 

Regional Economic Scorecard is a great tool that takes a high level look at the
region and tries to make a fair comparison to other regions our size and
regions we aspire to be more like.  While
it does not look down to the county level, it really helps us see the big
picture.  This year’s report shows a lot
to be proud of while still showing us areas to work on."