
Dorchester County High School Students Receive Work Ethic Certification

St. George, South Carolina

June 4, 2013 – During the recent Senior Dinner held at Woodland
High School on May 29, 2013, certificates were awarded to those students who
successfully completed the newly implemented Work Ethic Certificate Program.

program was developed as an initiative outlined by the 2012 Dorchester County
Economic Development Strategic Plan to improve the quality of our young and
emerging workforce. Work Ethic was also
cited as a barrier to success by Dorchester County industries as a result of
the Year-End Survey, which is distributed annually by Dorchester County
Economic Development. 

program’s criteria address the top thirteen work ethic traits most desired by
local employers.  These traits include
attendance, punctuality, character, teamwork, appearance, Netiquette, attitude
and critical thinking, productivity, organizational skills, communication,
cooperation, and respect. 

participating students were introduced to the program and given detailed
information and real-world examples that would relate to workplace
scenarios. Throughout the program
period, student behavior was monitored and evaluated using the program matrix,
which emphasizes the desired workplace skills. 

pilot program, also introduced to the students at the Dorchester County Career
and Technology Center, resulted in a total of 49 students receiving their
certifications. This certificate can be
attached to employment or college applications to provide further verification
of their work-ready skills and higher level of professional development. 

awarding the certificates, Dorchester County Councilman Willie Davis, applauded
the students by stating, "You are all exceptional students here tonight because
you’ve earned your high school diploma. The students who also earned the Work Ethic Certificate have
demonstrated that they are more than ready to become a part of our growing
workforce and we are proud of you all."

program will again be introduced to students next year at Woodland High School
and Dorchester County Career and Technology Center.   

About Dorchester County
Economic Development

Dorchester County Economic Development is the
organization responsible for growing and retaining business in the County. Its mission is to work to create and support
an environment that welcomes business, and helps companies to grow and succeed
over the long-term. This ultimately will
increase the standard of living for all of Dorchester County’s citizens by
providing more job opportunities with higher skills and better wages.